Preparing daily for Our Lords return?

These may be helpful.

Dedication to Mary

Marian Calendar

Daily Reflection

2nd Reflection

3rd Reflection

Sunday reflection

Todays Saint

Chaplet of The Divine Mercy    

Living Faith Daily

Our Daily Bread

Pray for the departed


DAILY: Pray your Rosary!

Dearest Mary, help us to be prepared for Our Lords return. Thank you Mary.

Too Few Witnesses © 2005

79 years in Mass.   Frank K. Porter Jr.   Now in NH.

Babies saved  (2) 2025

Babies saved  (11)  2024

Babies saved (14) 2023

               Too Few Witnesses ©

Trinity, if it is your will, Jesus please return in glory today,

bring your justice to this world, and have mercy on us sinners.

Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

“Our tainted nature’s solitary boast” as poet William Wordsworth spoke of Mary. Mary is the perfect creation of Almighty God.  Beautiful sunrises, breathtaking sunsets, and all the creativity of human energies in between fail in comparison with Mary. Our humble attempt to describe the many qualities and attributes of Our Lady in her Litany, surely fall short of those known to Almighty God.  Mary as it pleases you, we humbly ask for your continued intercession for a weak and sinful humanity.        Saint Juan Diego, please pray for us.